Smartphones Take Over Mobile Connections in Mexico


Smartphone connection penetration has risen by nearly one-third since 2014

Smartphone connection penetration rates continue to climb, according to a May 2016 report from The Competitive Intelligence Unit, and will hit nearly 83% of total mobile connections this year.

Just two years ago, in 2014, smartphone connections made up half of total mobile connections, before a massive shift to over 70% in 2015. Remarkably, in just five years, smartphone penetration has grown by almost 70 percentage points as a share of total mobile connections.

Much of the growth in smartphone users took place among those who are younger. eMarketer estimated in April 2016 that smartphone user growth among those under ages 12, for example, was 46.7% back in 2014, and 33.3% the following year. The number of users ages 12 to 17, meanwhile, grew at a rate of 42.4% in 2014 and 23.2% in 2015.

Smartphone Users in Mexico, by Age, 2014-2020

But even faster growth took place at the other end of the spectrum: The number of smartphone users 65 or older grew by 82.9% in 2014, and 54.7% in 2015. In fact, that age range will remain the fastest-growing group through 2020, eMarketer projects.

Those aged 45 to 64 also saw higher growth rates than younger users. The demand for smartphones in Mexico is bookended by the youngest, and oldest, users.

eMarketer estimates a total of 44.2 million smartphone users in Mexico in 2016. That number will grow to 49.9 million in 2017, and eventually to 62.1 million in 2020.




via eMarketer

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